(8 Ratings)

Understand the Quran (Stage TWO: from 50% – 65%)

Categories: Quran
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How to understand the Quran: STAGE TWO

Prerequisites of this course:

  • You have SUCCESSFULLY completed stage ONE: from 0% – to 50%
  • You have scored at least 75% in the FINAL EXAM of Stage ONE.
  • You can pronounce the special Arabic sounds.
  • You can recite the holy Quran according to the Tajweed rules.
  • You have average knowledge of the English language.

This course will enable you to understand the Holy Quran through learning the most frequently mentioned words in the Holy Quran. The frequently lists will eventually make up around 85% of total vocabulary found in the Holy Quran. This much knowledge will make it possible in shaa Allah to understand the word of Allah without needing to read the translation of its meaning. This course is an essential and an unmissable step before starting to memorize the Holy Quran. It also makes it possible to memorize much faster and easier since you will understand what you are reciting rather than without comprehension of the sacred text.

The COMPLETE course (learning 85% of the Quran) is divided in FOUR stages:

  • Stage ONE: learning from 0% to 50% of the Holy Quran.
  • Stage TWO: learning from 50% to 65% of the Holy Quran.
  • Stage THREE: learning from 65% to 85% of the Holy Quran.
  • Stage FOUR: Leaning Quranic Grammar

((THIS COURSE tackles ONLY stage TWO))

Who is this for?

  • For EVERY non-Arab Muslim who wants to learn the meaning of the true word of Allah.
  • For Arabic learner enthusiasts who want to learn MSA using frequency lists.

Have any specific questions? Make sure to go to (Ask the teacher) from the Main Menu.

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What Will You Learn?

  • By the end of this course, you will, in shaa Allah, be able to understand up to 65% of the Holy Quran.
  • You will be able to recognize so many words when you read the Holy Quran.

Course Content

Allah’s attributes
In this lesson, you will learn about the most commonly used attributes of Allah.

  • Lesson ONE
  • Quiz Lesson ONE

Attributes/ adjectives
In this lesson, you will get to know the most common MISC Attributes/ adjectives. This lesson is partially related to the previous one.

Prophets and Messengers
In this lesson you will learn about Prophets, messengers and also their people/ tribes.

Allah’s signs & blessings
Allah’s signs & blessings are unlimited and cannot be counted. But we will only include the ones that have been frequently mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Deen means religion, and in this lesson, we'll tackle the most important vocabulary related to our religion and ones that are most frequently used in the Quran.

In this lesson, we will learn new vocabulary related to the Islamic faith.

In this lesson, the main focus will be the most important vocabulary that are related to our deeds.

The Last day

Dunya (The Present Life)



Combined Words (Bonus)

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 8 Ratings
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8 months ago
after the 50% vocab course I started this course
to me this was easier than the first course
im gonna revise all the vocab I've learned from both courses and InshaAllah follow it with 80% vocab and grammar course
i made physical notes by myself and also used memozora for flashcards as recommended by a brother in the feedback of the first course
didn't really use memrize as it doesn't suit me really well
10 months ago
It was very nice
1 year ago
For a beginner Muslim; this is a must
Yâ €
2 years ago
JazaakAllahu Khairan, May Allah(swt) bless and reward you
2 years ago
Good and very organized to memorize and recall...Masha Allah
3 years ago
JazakAllah. Great Course!
3 years ago
Assalamualaikum Ustaz, How do I get the pdf download eg the list of prophets etc.
Thank you very much.
Muhammad Arif
3 years ago